Warts and Skin Tags Treatment with Aerolase Neo Elite in Houston, tx

Warts and Skin Tags Treatment with Aerolase Neo Elite

The Aerolase Neo Elite’s laser energy is absorbed in hemoglobin to superheat and coagulate vasculature feeding the wart or skin tag. Depending on the depth and size of the underlying vascular structure of the warts, some patients may respond better than others.

How Many Treatment Sessions Are Required?

This can vary depending on the depth and size of the wart. Typically, warts disappear completely after 2-4 treatments, although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

How Often Should Treatments Be Performed?

One treatment should be completed every 1-2 weeks.

Is It Painful?

Thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology, the Neo Elite provides nearly painless treatment, even on those with darker skin types. The Neo Elite uses Aerolase technology, which is known for its key technical breakthroughs.

Patients That Should NOT be Treated Include:

Before And After

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